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MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf : अगर आप भी पाना चाहते हैं त्रैमासिक परीक्षा के सभी विषयों का पेपर तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह आए हैं l दोस्तों MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf प्राप्त करने के लिए आप इस पोस्ट को आखिर तक पढ़े l इस पोस्ट में हम आपको MP Board Class 10th English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf प्रोवाइड करेंगे, जिसकी सहायता से आप बोर्ड परीक्षा या वार्षिक परीक्षा की बेहतर तैयारी कर सकेंगे l यदि आप कक्षा 9वीं से लेकर 10वीं कक्षा के बीच किसी भी क्लास में पढ़ाई कर रहे हैं और आप कक्षा 10वीं Or 10वीं में टॉप करना चाहते हैं तो इसके लिए आपको MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 में भी फोकस करना होगा, तभी आप बेहतर रिजल्ट पा सकेंगे l ( English ka paper trimasik Pariksha 2022-23 MP Board )
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MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf
ऑनलाइन की इस दुनिया में सब कुछ ऑनलाइन किया जा रहा है परीक्षा से लेकर टेस्ट सीरीज और क्लासेस सभी चाहिए से अब ऑनलाइन की जा रही है l यही वजह है कि हम आपको इस आर्टिकल में MP Board kaksha 10vi English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf प्रोवाइड करेंगे, ताकि आप भी ऑनलाइन सेवाओं का पूरा लाभ ले सके और अपने मोबाइल फोन का सही इस्तेमाल कर सके l हम आपको Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 MP Board फॉर्मेट में प्रोवाइड करेंगे l MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper Solution 2022 pdf को आप मोबाइल Or कंप्यूटर दोनों में खोल सकते हैं और उसका प्रिंट आउट भी ले सकते हैं l
MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf Overview
Article title | MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf |
Exam name | Trimasik exam 2022-2023 |
Session | 2022 – 2023 |
Trimasik exam date | Coming soon |
Category | Trimasik papers |
Board | MPBSE |
Website | |

MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf
दोस्तों जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं कि MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik exam 2022 सितंबर 2022 में आयोजित की जाएगी, साथ ही प्राइवेट स्कूल वाले अपने स्तर पर त्रैमासिक परीक्षा संपन्न कराएंगे l माध्यमिक शिक्षा मंडल द्वारा तैयार किया गया MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf आपको नीचे दिया गया है, जिसे पढ़कर आप बोर्ड परीक्षा Or वार्षिक परीक्षा की बेहतरीन तैयारी कर सकते हैं l आपको बता दें कि MP Board Class 10 bhautik vigyan Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf official paper है, जो माध्यमिक शिक्षा मंडल के बड़े शिक्षकों द्वारा तैयार किया जाता है l ( mp board class 10th English important questions for quarterly exam 2022 )
MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf download
दोस्तों नीचे हमने कक्षा बारहवीं के सभी विषयों का MP Board Class 10 Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf प्रोवाइड किया है l आप जिस भी विषय का MP Board Class 10 Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf download करना चाहते हैं, उसके सामने वाली लिंक पर क्लिक करें l आप चाहे तो MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf download करके MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf का प्रिंट आउट भी निकाल सकते हैं l
Class 10 English Trimasik Paper Solution 2022 | Click Here |
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MP Board Trimasik Exam Date 2022 2023 | 07 Oct 2022 |
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MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf के फायदे
अगर विद्यार्थी को पता चल जाए की त्रैमासिक परीक्षा कितनी इंपॉर्टेंट है, तो वह इस परीक्षा में जमकर मेहनत करें, लेकिन होता यह है कि विद्यार्थियों को अक्सर यह बात पता नहीं होती कि बोर्ड परीक्षा की तैयारी में त्रैमासिक परीक्षा का अहम योगदान होता है l दोस्तों किसी भी परीक्षा की तैयारी में एक लंबा समय अंतराल होना चाहिए l अब जो विद्यार्थी बोर्ड परीक्षा के 6 महीना पहले से तैयारी करेगा, तो मुमकिन है कि उसका रिजल्ट बेहतरीन आएगा l यही वजह है कि त्रैमासिक परीक्षा आयोजित कराई जाती है, ताकि बोर्ड परीक्षा वाले विद्यार्थियों को बोर्ड परीक्षा की तैयारी करने में आसानी हो, और त्रैमासिक परीक्षा में अच्छे अंक प्राप्त करके बोर्ड परीक्षा में अच्छा परफॉर्मेंस लाने में कॉन्फिडेंस मिले l ( English ka paper trimasik Pariksha 2022-23 MP Board )
MP Board Class 10th English Trimasik Paper 2022
Q. 1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it:
There are three main groups of oils-animal, vegetable and mineral. Great quantities of animal oil come from whales, those enormous creatures of the sea, which are the largest of the animals remaining in the world. To protect the whales from the cold of the Arctic seas, nature has provided them with a thick covering of fat, called blubber. When the whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down. It produces a great quantity of poil which can be made into food for human consumption. A few other creatures yield oil, but none so much as the whale. The livers of the cod and halibut, two kinds of fish, yield nourishing oil. Both cod liver oil and halibut bil are given to sick children and other invalids who need certain vitamins. Vegetable oil has been known from very old times. No household can get on without it, for it is used in cooking. Perfumes may be made from the oils of certain flowers. Soaps are made from vegetable and animal product and the oils of certain flowers.
(i) The main source of animal oil is
A) whale
B) sea weeds
C) fish
D) plant
(ii) Vegetable oil is mainly used for
A) Cooking B) Making perfumes C) Making soap
D) Making lubricants
(lii) The ……. of fish yields nourishing oil.
A) stomach B) eyes C) liver
(iv) The thick protective covering of fat on a whale is called a story mo na aid balsavsta
A) cells B) blubber (C) skin one D) Fins
(v) Write the noun form of the word ‘protect is –
(a) Protected (b) protective (c) protectable
Q. 2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it:
An old shepherd was playing on a flute on the marshlands outside Rome. He played so sweetly that a lovely fairy came and listened to him. “Will you marry me, and play to me in my castle?” she said. “Yes, yes, lovely lady!” said the shepherd. The fairy put a ring on his finger. At once he became a handsome young man dressed in princely robes. “But I must first go to Rome and bid farewell to my friends”, he said.
The fairy gave him a golden coach with twelve white horses. As he rode in State to Rome, he Queen of Italy, who invited him to her palace. The shepherd saw that he had won the Queen’s heart. He resolved to marry her and become the King of Italy and let the fairy go. So, when he and the Queen were alone together, he knelt down and took her hand, saying: “Marry me, dearest and I will help you to govern Italy.” But as soon as he spoke, he turned into an old and rugged shepherd. “What is this horrible beggar doing here?” cried the Queen. “Whip him out of the palace.”
(i) The fairy wanted to marry the shepherd because
A) he had saved her life.
B) he could play sweetly on his flute.
C) he was very handsome.
D) the shepherd loved her.
(ii) When the fairy put a ring on his finger, the shepherd
A) married her
B) disappeared
(C) turned into a statue
D) changed into a handsome youth
(iii) The shepherd went to Rome in a
A) boat
B) cart
C) palanquin
D) coach
(iv) When the shepherd reached Rome, he
A) met his friends there.
B) sought his parents’ permission to marry the fairy.
C) planned to marry the Queen of Italy.
D) met the King of Italy.
(v) The Queen ordered the shepherd to be whipped out of the palace because he
A) turned old and ugly.
B) tried to steal her jewels.
C) refused to marry her.
D) revealed his plan to marry the fairy.
MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022
Q-3 Read the passage carefully and make notes on it and also give a suitable title.
There are about 980 flying mammals referred to as bats. They are the only real flying mammals on Earth. Mos bats feed on a diet of insects. Some feed on flowers and fruits, but the most interesting are the vampire balso the Americas, which suck the blood of large birds and other mammals. Unfortunately, these vampire batsar capable of transmitting rabies and are for this reason considered dangerous. The other types of bats are of danger to man and are even considered helpers of nature by way of their diet which helps control the inser population in various areas of the world. Although the misunderstood bat has represented fear and terrorinthi west, it is seen as a sign of good luck and long life in the east.
Section B
Q-4 You are Shivam Khurana studying in Govt. Higher Secondary School, Ashoknagar. Write an your principal for fee concession as your father has lost his job during Corona pandemic.
Q. 5. Write essay about 200 words one of the following topics :
(i) Terrorism
(ii) pollution
(iii) science and technology
(iv) Great leader
Section -C
Q. 7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option from the bracket:
(i) ……….. I take your pen.? ( can/may)
(ii) Rohit……………. to school daily. ( go, going, goes)
(iii) Neeraj promised…………. the money. ( to return / returns)
(iv) I………. for several minutes. ( have been waiting / wait)
(v) She…………. A novel since morning.
(vi) He had his car………….. (Repair/to repair)
(vii) I had my house…………… ( Paint / Painted)
(viii) I………………. believe in God. ( do not / did not)
(ix) I did not…………….. seek the book fair. (Go to / Goes to)
(x) …………… the boy playing? ( was/were)
Mp Board Class 10th Trimasik Paper 2022 English Pdf Download
Q. 8. Do as directed : ( Any five)
(i) Rinku writes a letter. ( negative)
(ii) Rahul eats a mango. ( passive voice)
(iii) My friend will help you He is very kind. ( Combine using ‘ because. ‘)
(iv) He is lazy. Ha can’t run fast. ( combine using ‘ so…….. that.)
(v) He take Milk. ( Make negative)
(vi) Repair the breaken window just not. ( correct the sentence)
(vii) Work hard……… you will fail. ( or/can)
Q-9 Answer the following questions
i. The lesson “His First Flight” is about a
A) pilot B) seagull
D) pigeon
C) parrot
II. Who is the poet of the poem ‘Amanda’? dag 3 1097 A) Leslie Norris B) Robert frost C) John Berrymantovar D) Robin
iii. According to Nelson Mandela, what is the greatest wealth of a nation?
a) minerals B) diamonds
iv. In the story ‘Black Aeroplane’, what was the name of the aeroplane that the pilot was flying?
A) Airbus B) Boeing C) Dakota D) Minnesota
v. What did Anne Frank name her diary?
A) Anne B) Catty C) Kitty D) Kitten
vi. According to poet of the poem ‘Animals’, which of the qualities have humans given up?
A) innocence B) kindness C) truthfulness D) All of these
mp board class 10th English important questions for quarterly exam 2022
Q.10 (A) Read the following extract from the poem and answer the questions given below. (1 X 3 = 3)
What is the boy now, who has lost his ball? What, what is he to do? I saw it go Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then Merrily over-there it is in the water!
I. From which poem the above lines have been taken?
A) Dust of Snow is alt
B) Fire and Ice
C) A Tiger in the Zoo
D) The Ball Poem
(ii) Which of the following words is similar to the word ‘merrily’? vig Sviss
(A) sadly (B) happily (C) cleverly (D) superiorly
eros si conosdotti ndo
(iii) Where did the ball go?.
FAQS in terms of MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2022 pdf
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Ans. जी नहीं! परंतु जो विधार्थी त्रिमासिक परीक्षा में अच्छे अंक आते हैं, तो उसको बोर्ड परीक्षा की तय्यारी करने में आसानी हो जाती है l
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