Haryana GDS Gramin Dak Seva Result 2022 : 608 Vacancy, Merit list

GDS Gramin Dak Seva Result 2022 : All states of India Gramin Dak Sevak Result will be announced very soon. Although the Postal department has announced the result of West Bengal, Jammu Kashmir and Uttarakhand Gramin Postal department recruitment was released for Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Bihar, Maharashtra, Haryana, Delhi and Telangana States. Now candidates are waiting for the results. The Postal department will release the merit list State wise in the Indian postal department.

Haryana GDS Gramin Dak Seva Result 2022

There were 10014 plus post recruitment posts released. The candidates who applied for GDS recruitment their result will be announced State wise on the official website of GDS result 2022. If you also want to check the result of Gramin Dak Seva then you could access your result very easily and successfully by the process which we are telling you about.


Haryana Gramin Dak Sevak merit list 2022

Friends, Haryana post GDS results  will be available very soon. The candidates who want to know their respective Haryana GDS result will check total posts in their category. All of you know that 276 posts available for unreserved 60 posts are available for EWS, and 147 posts are available for OBC posts for scheduled caste 106 . Hence the total Haryana gds posts are 608.

This recruitment for Haryana GDS was recruited for the 10th class pass Gramin Dak Sevak recruitment now the students are waiting for Haryana GDS selection process. This process is being done by merit basis. Haryana GDS merit list 2022 is going to be released very soon in Haryana Gramin Dak Sevak merit list recruitment then by any date class 10th marks. The candidates who had achieved more marks in the last 10th will have a higher chance of selection.

Haryana GDS Result 2022 Overview

Manuscript Gramin Dak Sevak result
Post name Gramin Dak Sevak cycle second
Department name Postal circle India post Postal department
Role of post Gramin Dak Sevak branch postmaster assistant branch postmaster
Authority Central government
Place District wise
Result mod Online
Year 2022
Description in GDS result Candidates name registration number roll number total obtained marks candidates position post name head office name branch office name candidate position in post office name total percentage
Helpline number 0171 2603369
Email gdshry2018@gmail.in
Official website Indiapost.gov.in


Haryana GDS Gramin Dak Seva Result 2022
Haryana GDS Gramin Dak Seva Result 2022

How to Check GDS Result 2022 Online

  • First of all, candidates will have to visit the official website of Gramin Dak Sevak recruitment.
  • On your desktop screen the website homepage will open.
  • There will appear a link result list on the left side of the page where you will get a list of states.
  • Now you have to choose your state from which you give the exam.
  • Now in front of you a PDF form will open.
  • PDF form merit list will be shown.
  • Now you can check your name in PDF form.
  • If you agree then you can download your result PDF and take a printout for further use.

Gramin Dak sevak recruitment result 2022 state wise

States Posts
Uttrakhand 581
Jammu Kashmir 266
West Bengal 2357
Maharashtra 2428
Uttar Pradesh 4264
Bihar 1940
Kerala 1421
Chhattisgarh 1137
Telangana 1150
Delhi 233
Andhra Pradesh 2296


Gramin dak sevak result 2022 document verification

The students will be collected through merit list or cut off medium. They will be called for selected office for document verification any dates will have part in this program and this document verification is the last stage of your result you will we given certified document list by notification.

Candidates will be called for document verification by email or official website notification all the candidates attention if you have not considered documents then you can face so much problem in selection so you check your documents before submit.

  1. Class 10th board marksheet
  2. Computer certificate.
  3. Cast certificate if you are under general class.
  4. Handicapped certificate if you are under pH class.
  5. Result photocopy
  6. Birth certificate
  7. Reservation certificate
  8. Passport size photo
  9. Other documents
  10. Etc

Indian Postal department helpdesk 2022

Jharkhand circle 0651 2480421
Delhi circle 011 23632333
Tamilnadu circle 044 28592844
Orissa circle 0674 2394533
Himachal Pradesh circle 0177 2629003
Punjab circle 0172 2722144
Kerala circle 0471 2560751
Karnataka circle 080 22392554
Gujarat circle 079 25509381
Bihar circle 0612 2226727
Telangana circle 04023463613
Andhra Pradesh circle 0866 2429822
Chhattisgarh circle 0771 2234591
Maharashtra circle 022 22621692
Assam circle 0361 2544881


FAQs about hariyana gds result 2022

Que 1 What is the official website of Indian Gramin Dak portal.?

Ans. Official website of Gramin Dak portal is @appost.in  or @indiapost.gov.in

Que 2 How can I get information about my result ?

Ans. Department will be provide you result on official website so you will have to update continuously official website.

Que.3 When will the Haryana GDS result be released ?

Ans. There is an official Haryana Gramin Dak result date provided but it is written on appost.in that Haryana GDS results released on 15 October 2022.

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